Sunday, January 2, 2011

Resolutions for the new year

# Whenever possible, get an extra hour of sleep every night
# Spend ten minutes every evening straightening up your room.
# Read at least one book per week.
# Keep up better with the news.
# Spend a little less time watching TV.
# Spend a little less time on facebook or orkut
# Work in extra walking into your everyday routine.
# Help a friend with homework when needed.
# Avoid drama as much as possible, and be kind to your friends
# Recycle.
# Try to improve your attention span in class.
# Volunteer for twenty hours a semester at a local charity.
# Eat breakfast every day.
# If you're religious, spend a little more time observing.
# Refuse to get involved in relationships that are no good for you.
# Stop comparing yourself to other students who you think are smarter or more attractive.
# Cut your "fun" spending by 25 percent.
# Take a class that pushes your comfort zone

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